
Ramayanath Thoomanigal(Tamil)




These books deal extensively with twelve important characters of Valmiki Ramayanam. In Ramayanam, Sage Valmiki very rarely makes direct comments on characters. The characterization is mostly implied in the way the story is narrated. In order to understand the full range of the portrayal of the characters, a penetrating analysis is needed. There is plenty of scope for interpretations. There are several inner meanings. There are cryptic remarks. There are therefore several commentaries by eminent scholars on Ramayanam. The aim of the work is to present the characters in such a way that they are properly understood in the context of amazing commentaries. The work is the outcome of a sincere and deep research.

Excerpts of reviews.

Sri Krishnan has culled out twelve characters from Ramayanam and discusses at length what makes them special. ……. Sri Krishnan invests it with new meaning. (The Hindu)
The selection of the characters and their delineation show the depth of understanding of the author. Each one of them bear out the title given by the author (Purest gems)…is a noteworthy addition to the literature on the epic (Narasimha Priya)
The author has made an extensive analysis and research of the twelve characters and has presented wonderful commentaries. Twelve characters appear before us in full range and we find that the entire story of Ramayanam also gets depicted beautifully intertwined. In Krishnan’s work, the ranges of the characters have been very deeply analysed and placed before the readers in such a manner that they are no less inferior to the holy nectar. In his description, the author has followed a very free flowing natural style. His outstanding creation is the outcome of a very hard work like the diving for gathering pearl from the ocean. ( Dina Malar)
Without detriment to the actual story, the author has portrayed the characters in such a way that each one of them appears appropriately in appropriate sequences after deep analysis. (Thuglak)
The author has brought out the amazing and rare gems of descriptions found hidden in the depth of the ocean of Ramayanam and is taking us to the peak of wonder so that we may know them all. (Dina Thanthi).